Thoughtcrime: Race & Intelligence

Thoughtcrime: The Study of Race and Intelligence, and the Jews’ Furious Reaction

By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC,10128.0.html

Recently in Sacramento, California, a high school student made a science project suggesting that race and intelligence do, in fact, correlate. The student, part of the school’s elite HISP program, examined the 508 students in his program, and listed the statistics as 312 White students, 104 gook students, 80 spic students and 12 Negro students. After providing evidence pointing the lower intelligence held by the Negroes and muds, the student concluded that it was justified that …

Founding Day – 45th Anniversary

By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC,10134.0.html
Creator Calendar
Right off the bat from the Klassen Day Centenary, the Creativity Alliance has reached another landmark. Forty five years ago today, Ben Klassen founded Creativity with the publication of “Nature’s Eternal Religion” in 1973. He would expand upon our great racial religion for last twenty years of his life, including such important texts such as “The White Man’s Bible,” “A Revolution of Values Through Religion” and “Salubrious Living,” among others.

Ben Klassen - North Carolina
Ben Klassen pictured at the World Center of the Creator – North Carolina

One value I always …

Klassen Day – A Centenary

By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Racial Loyalty News Forum | 20 February 45 AC,10133.0.html

Happy Birthday to our great founder, P.M.E. Bernhardt Klassen (February 20, 1918-August 6, 1993), born 100 years ago on this day. If not for this great man, the situation of the White Race today would be dreadful and doomed to extinction. It is my firm belief that only through CREATIVITY that the White Race will survive the current genocidal campaign against it and reach dazzling heights beyond our wildest dreams. For this, we are all forever indebted to Ben Klassen.

Ben Klassen - North Carolina

We Creators all know his story: …

Modern White Racial Loyalists have Moved on from Fascism

By Reverend Cailen Cambeul
Church Administrator Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia,10051.0.html

There is a Reason We Do Not Ask You to Become Fascists or Nazis

Years ago some Leftard mob – probably SPLC or ADL or connected to them – did a chart from Extreme Left to Extreme Right. If I still had it, I’d show you, but I don’t, so my memory will just have to suffice.

Anyway, this Leftard chart was done like a Family Tree of Left and Right in the US; with basically the bad-guys – people like us – to the Right …

Only the C.A. Can Stay True!

By Brother James Lewis

No other ideology can save the White Race but Creativity! Creativity is the total creed and program for the protection, salvation and advancement of the greatest species to ever live upon the Earth. Any group that compromises White Racial Loyalty to gain ‘acceptance’ with the sheeple is NOT a group worthy of support. Any group that holds ANY man who screwed up as a ‘god’ is NOT worthy of support. Only the Creativity Alliance can spread the true faith correctly. Only the Creativity Alliance stands against the kosher CONservatives and their right-wing fakery. Let us give …

Anklage Christentum

Auszug  aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981)

CREATIVE CREDO Nr. 57 – [leicht gekürzt]

Warum wir das Christentum so stark unter Anklage stellen

Vielzahl von Gründen. Wir haben viele Seiten dieses Buches darauf verwendet, das Christentum als den Schwindel zu enthüllen und zu entlarven, der er ist. Da so viele unserer guten Weißen Rassekameraden mehr oder weniger von diesem Gehirnpilz befallen sind, bin ich von einigen unserer Unterstützer gefragt worden, warum ich dem Christentum gegenüber eine so feindselige Haltung einnähme, das doch immerhin während annähernd 2000 Jahren die Hauptreligion der Weißen war. Nicht nur das – es sind …

Vorwort The White Man’s Bible

Auszug  aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981)

VORWORT The White Man’s Bible – [leicht gekürzt]

Diese unsere zweite Veröffentlichung ist ein Begleitbuch zu unserem ersten, NATURE’S ETERNAL RELIGION, welches zuerst am 21. Februar 1973 veröffentlicht wurde. Im ersten Buch haben wir un­seren fundamentalen Glauben und das Programm unserer Religion, CREATIVITY, niedergelegt und damit die Church of the Creator [jetzt: Church of Creativity] gegründet. In diesem zweiten Buch bauen wir weiter an dem Glauben aus dem ersten, verstärken diesen Glauben, führen ihn genauer aus und erweitern ihn in neue Dimensionen.

Beschäftigte sich NATURE’S ETERNAL RELIGION grundlegend mit Rasse und …

Liebe und Hass

Auszug  aus Ben Klassen: The White Man’s Bible (1981)

CREATIVE CREDO Nr. 62 – [leicht gekürzt]

Beide gesunde, normale Emotionen. Es gibt kein Thema, bei dem mehr Heuchelei an den Tag gelegt wird, als beim Thema Hass. Wir CREATORS haben die Haltung, dass Liebe und Hass zusammengehören wie die zwei Seiten derselben Medaille und dass jede normale Person, um sich richtig zu verhalten und auf wirklichkeitsnahe Weise den Problemen des Lebens zu begegnen, die Fähigkeit haben muss, beide Gefühle zu hegen und zur Geltung zu bringen. Wir glauben, dass es genauso unnormal ist, das Gefühl des Hasses gegen seine Feinde …

Stop Demonising the White Man in South Africa

Daniël Lötter | South Africa Today | 2 October 2014

Stop the demonising of the White man in South Africa and own up to your responsibility towards the country!

Knowing oneself and admitting to your own shortcomings is in all probability the most challenging aspect of being human.

To those of us with the inherent incapability of doing so, it is so much easier to distance ourselves from our shortcomings and blame it upon something or someone which operates out of our own sphere of influence.

In the most pathetic case of projection, we even take off the identity …