Tag: krudd

No Free Speech for White People: Federal Attorney-General

No free speech for racists, says Federal Attorny-General Robert McClelland

Peter Veness: Adelaide Advertiser | April 27, 2010


“FREEDOM of speech only goes so far and it does not stretch to racism,” Attorney-General Robert McClelland says.

“It may well be appropriate to set some limitation to public expression of hateful material,” Mr McClelland said.

He said cyber-racism was a growing area of concern for the Human Rights Commission. Eighteen per cent of racism complaints handed to the Commission in 2008-09 were about racist internet material, up from nine per cent in the previous year. [more …]


Mass immigration kills Aussie culture, says demographer Bob Birrell

News.com.au and the Herald Sun | March 24, 2010



Monash University population expert Dr Bob Birrell
– ‘Migration causes social problems’
– Population expected to hit 35 million by 2050
– Calls for enquiry into migration numbers

TRADITIONS based on heritage, sporting culture and common language are threatened by mass immigration, leading demographer Dr Bob Birrell has warned.

“This is not a pretty picture,” he said. “Social divisions are becoming more obvious and geographically concentrated and certain areas are being overlain by an ethnic identification.”

Meanwhile: PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has admitted he does not have any …

Australian internet filter to be compulsory

Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson: The Courier Mail | October 29, 2008

THE Federal Government plans to make internet censorship compulsory, putting Australia in the same league as China, Iran and North Korea.

The Government will not let users opt out of the proposed national internet filter, which could ban controversial websites on such subject as euthanasia or anorexia, when it is introduced.

Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy Minister Stephen Conroy admitted the Federal Government’s $44.2 million internet censorship plan would now include two tiers – one level of mandatory filtering for all Australians and an optional level that will provide a “…

KRudd Nearly Halves Australian Dollar in Record Time

It might have a lot to do with global financial events, but the value of the Australian dollar has dropped from US98c several months ago to US64c http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?from=AUD&to=USD&amt=1&t=2y, and it’s all in line with my own predictions if Labor was to win the last election. And it did.

Now, I didn’t and don’t like Prime Ministers Howard or KRudd (Kevin Rudd) – Liberal or Labor. Nor did I vote for either of them. I believe that neither is good for this country, but Labor’s policies make them the worst of the pair.

– Labor’s policy is to drop …

KRudd Continues Keating’s Asianisation of Australia

Rudd’s plan for Asian Australia

Samantha Maiden, Online political editor: The Australian | August 12, 2008


KEVIN RUDD has unveiled his vision for Australia to become the most “Asia-literate country” in the West.

In a speech in Singapore today, the Prime Minister pledged to boost the investment in the study of Asian languages and culture in schools and universities.

“Australia’s future will also depend on our ability to engage constructively and effectively with the countries of the Asia Pacific,” he said.

“That is why I am committed to making Australia the most Asia-literate country in the collective West.

“By …

Rudd won’t share our pain with climate tax

Glenn Milne, Canberra: The Advertiser | July 06, 2008


KEVIN Rudd wants all Australians to pay more for power and petrol to help save the planet – except himself.

The Prime Minister has revealed he will continue to allow taxpayers to pick up his power and petrol bills, despite saying everyone must share the pain of increased costs to help stop climate change.

The Government is set to introduce a national Emissions Trading System by 2010 in the wake of the Garnaut Report released on Friday.

Energy bills and the cost of fuel will sharply increase under the system.…

UN condemns denials of Nazi Holocaust

Reuters | January 27, 2007

UNITED NATIONS: The UN General Assembly adopted a US-drafted resolution today condemning denials of the Holocaust, weeks after Iran sponsored a meeting dominated by speakers questioning the Nazis’ extermination of 6 million Jews in World War 2.

The resolution, co-sponsored by more than 100 countries, including all Western nations, was approved by consensus, without a vote. Iran disassociated itself from the action, calling the resolution a political exercise that Israel would exploit against Palestinians.

The resolution “condemns without any reservation any denial of the Holocaust” and “urges all member states unreservedly to reject any denial …

A Message from the Federal Treasurer


The Australian federal government is sending each and every one of you a $900 rebate.

If you spend that money at K-Mart, the money will go to China.

If you spend it on petrol it will go to the Arabs.

If we purchase a computer it will go to Taiwan.

If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.

If you purchase a good car it will go to Japan or Germany.

If you purchase useless crap it will go to China or Korea.

None of this will help …

Australia’s Internet Censorship – Thanks a Bloody Lot Chairman Krudd

Internet ‘clean feed’ useless – group

News.com.au | May 15, 2008


THE Australian public is being urged to reject the Federal Government’s plan to censor the internet.

Online advocacy group Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA) says the Government’s decision to fund its mandatory “clean feed” internet in the 2008-09 Federal Budget is a waste of taxpayers money.

“At a time when the Government is cutting services to fight inflation, it’s bewildering that they would decide to spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on a filter before feasibility trials are even complete,” EFA spokesman Colin Jacobs said.

“Given the manifest …